Welcome back teachers, students, and senior volunteers to the Wickaninnish Community School Garden! September in our garden is one of our busiest times and as exciting as spring. The volunteer team did a superb job looking after the garden in the summer. Huge thank you!!!
Out in the garden, plants heave a sigh of relief from Tofinos summer drought. The rain has brought life back into all our annual and perrenials. Providing us with throes of its last hurray. The tiny zucchinis planted in June held on and are now flowering and providing us with a taste test in green and yellow. Our tomatoes are sweet and ripening on their branches.Our sunflowers and beans are top heavy, ready to eat, share, and save some seeds for next spring planting.
And what a show we have had of our pink and red Dahlias! Popping orange and yellow nasturtium, powdery pink cosmos, sunshine yellow marigolds, purple borage petals, and white fewflower which have all been decorating our salads.
The students counted 78 carrots in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes as they were plucked with skillful hands from their trough beds.
So here is what we've been up to:
đWater collecting.
đHarvesting our vegetables and fruits.
đWeeding and composting.
đCreating lasagna gardens.
đHerbs cut, tied, and hung up to dry.
đLettuce, broccoli, and cabbage transplanted.
đSeagrass collected, cut, and put as mulch on our beds.
đGarden Treasure hunts.
đFruit leather created and eaten.
đFruit and vegetables shish kabobs.
đLeaves raked and collected for mulch.
đBlackberry jam canning workshop.
đSunshine tea potions created and drank.
đApples taste tests.
đPicnics in our Food Forest.
It's been a great start and uplifting to see the students enjoying the fruits of their labor. We invite you to come along with us and share in the joy of learning in the garden!